Davide Campari-Milano N.V. announced that at AGM held on April 12, 2022, upon proposal of the former Board of Directors, the general meeting appointed a new Board of Directors for a three-year period expiring at the end of the annual general meeting to be held in 2025, comprised of Emmanuel Babeau, Margareth Henriquez, Jean-Marie Laborde, Christophe Navarre and Lisa Vascellari Dal Fiol. Emmanuel Babeau, Margareth Henriquez, Christophe Navarre, Jean-Marie Laborde and Lisa Vascellari Dal Fiol are qualified as independent directors pursuant to the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. Eugenio Barcellona, Jean-Marie Laborde and Lisa Vascellari Dal Fiol were also appointed as members of the Control and Risks Committee.

Eugenio Barcellona, Emmanuel Babeau and Christophe Navarre were also appointed as members of the Remuneration and Appointment Committee.