Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Denison Mines Corp.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Denison Mines Corp.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Denison Mines Corp.

Uranium Participation Corp.

Financial Conglomerates

Ontario Bar Association

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of SK

The Law Society of Upper Canada

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

British Columbia Bar Association

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Law Society of British Columbia

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Rockgate Capital Corp.

Other Metals/Minerals

Institute of Corporate Directors

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.

Electric Utilities

The Lundin Foundation

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Other Metals/Minerals13
Precious Metals8
Miscellaneous Commercial Services6
Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds2
Real Estate Investment Trusts2
Electric Utilities1
Financial Conglomerates1
Integrated Oil1

Countries of related companies

United States2
South Korea1
United Arab Emirates1
Logo Denison Mines Corp.
Denison Mines Corp. is a Canada-based uranium exploration and development company focused on the Athabasca Basin region of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The Company holds a 95% interest in the Wheeler River Project, which is a uranium project. It hosts two uranium deposits: Phoenix and Gryphon. It is located along the eastern edge of the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan. It holds a 22.5% ownership interest in the McClean Lake joint venture (MLJV), which includes several uranium deposits and the McClean Lake uranium mill. It also holds a 25.17% interest in the Midwest Main and Midwest A deposits, and a 67.41% interest in the Tthe Heldeth Tue (THT) and Huskie deposits on the Waterbury Lake property. The Company, through JCU (Canada) Exploration Company, Limited, holds indirect interests in the Millennium project, the Kiggavik project, and the Christie Lake project. It also offers environmental services. The Company also uses MaxPERF drilling tool technology and systems.
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