BONN (dpa-AFX) - Deutsche Post has filed an application with the Federal Network Agency to be allowed to increase letter postage early next year. In view of drastically increased costs due to inflation, higher energy prices, the latest wage settlement and unexpectedly sharp declines in letter volumes, there was no way around an early increase, Post manager Nikola Hagleitner said Tuesday, according to a statement.

The company is not allowed to set postage itself. Instead, the Federal Network Agency specifies how the Post is allowed to turn the price screw. Normally, this happens every three years. The current postage has been in effect since the beginning of 2022, when the domestic standard letter became more expensive from 80 to 85 cents. The current postage is scheduled to expire at the end of 2024. It was set at a time when inflation was comparatively low./sey/DP/tih