COLOGNE/ESSEN (dpa-AFX) - The engine manufacturer Deutz is interested in taking over Thyssenkrupp's shipyard subsidiary, according to a press report. The Cologne-based group is one of a number of companies that submitted a non-binding offer for Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) at the end of last year, the "Handelsblatt" reported on Thursday, citing industry sources. Deutz would establish a new business area in this way and in one fell swoop become one of Germany's largest defense companies, it was reported.
A spokesperson for Deutz did not wish to comment on the information when asked by dpa-AFX. Thyssenkrupp confirmed to the newspaper that there were "expressions of interest from several companies regarding a possible partnership with TKMS". Deutz CEO Sebastian Schulte is familiar with TKMS: until he moved to Cologne, he was the financial director of the shipyard. The Deutz share, listed on the SDax, recently rose by around one percent.
Thyssenkrupp no longer considers the Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) division to be part of its core business and has been looking for a buyer for years. TKMS builds conventionally powered submarines. Besides Deutz, the Lürssen shipyard, the Rheinmetall arms group and the German government have expressed an interest in a takeover or a stake in the company, the "Handelsblatt" reported further./stw/men/mis