Roto Smeets GrafiServices activities
to be continued jointly by Schuttersmagazijn Groep
and MediaCenter Rotterdam

Roto Smeets Group NV (RSG) has today announced its intention to cease the activities of its sheetfed offset division, Roto Smeets GrafiServices. The activities will be largely continued by a new company, GrafiServices B.V., which is a collaborative partnership between Schuttersmagazijn Groep (SMG Groep) and MediaCenter Rotterdam (MCR). GrafiServices B.V. will continue operations from the Utrecht premises, retaining a large majority of the current employees; the facility in Eindhoven will close. In this respect, RSG is contributing to the necessary consolidation within the printing and graphics industry. This adjustment will result in the loss of 85 jobs at RSG.

Joost de Haas, CEO of Roto Smeets Group: "RSG's strategy concentrates on markets in which we can achieve or maintain a leading position. We do not have such a position in the sheetfed offset market. With this move, RSG is focusing even more closely on the markets in which value can be added for customers in other ways than through printed materials alone. RSG is making these essential decisions in order to secure a healthy future for the organisation within the printing and graphics sector."

A request for an opinion on the intention outlined above has been submitted to the Central Works Council today. GrafiServices B.V. will be operational within several weeks of a positive response having been received, and the contact details of both facilities will initially remain unchanged. The activities in Eindhoven will cease on 1 July 2015.

Wim van Rijswijk, owner of SMG Groep: "SMG Groep and MediaCenter Rotterdam comprise a number of specialised companies providing services in the areas of creation and design, ICT, printing and printed materials, and fulfilment and warehousing. Hence the Roto Smeets GrafiServices activities will be embedded for continuation within a more suitable environment. Customers will have the opportunity to allocate their projects to a partner who is in an even better position to respond to their communication-related needs."

Steven Yntema, director of MCR: "MediaCenter Rotterdam and SMG Groep are working to achieve the necessary consolidation within the sheetfed market. Acquisition of the Roto Smeets GrafiServices activities is a good fit with our strategy to offer the full spectrum of marketing communication products from a leading position in the Dutch sheetfed market."

Deventer, 11 February 2015

Roto Smeets Group NV
Management Board

For more information:
J.A. de Haas MBA, CEO
Tel.         +31 (0)570-69 49 05

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