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Relation chart of related listed companies: Digi International Inc.

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Relationship chart for related private companies: Digi International Inc.

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Related private companies: Digi International Inc.


Industrial Machinery

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Listed companies

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Activities of related companies

Information Technology Services2
Industrial Machinery1
Computer Peripherals1
Telecommunications Equipment1
Food: Meat/Fish/Dairy1
Medical Specialties1
Chemicals: Specialty1
Packaged Software1

Countries of related companies

United States9
Logo Digi International Inc.
Digi International Inc. is a global provider of Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity products, services, and solutions. The Company helps its customers deploy, monitor and manage critical communications infrastructures. Its segments include IoT Products and Services, and IoT Solutions. The IoT Products and Services segment offers products and services that help original equipment manufacturers as well as enterprise and government customers create and deploy secure IoT connectivity solutions. These include embedded and wireless modules, console servers, enterprise, and industrial routers as well as other infrastructure management equipment. The Company also provides its customers with a device management platform as well as other professional services. The IoT Solutions segment consists of SmartSense by Digi business and managed network-as-a-service business. It offers wireless temperature and other condition-based monitoring services as well as employee task management services.
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