MT Højgaard Holding?s business unit MT Højgaard Danmark and French Eiffage Group have been selected for the construction of Valby cloudburst tunnel. Developers are HOFOR A/S (Greater Copenhagen Utility) and local utility company Frederiksberg Forsyning. The project is executed by a mutually led joint venture between MT Højgaard Danmark and Eiffage Group.

The contract value is approximately DKK 490 million of which MT Højgaard Danmark?s share comprises slightly more than half. Valby cloudburst tunnel will contribute to protecting Valby and the western part of Frederiksberg against flooding caused by cloudbursts and massive rain. The tunnel will support the sewage network by collecting overflow water from the sewer system until the water can be pumped on to the sewage treatment plant.

In cases of extreme rain, the water may also be conveyed directly into Kalveboderne through outlets in Gåsebæksrenden and Enghave Kanal through a pumping station. The underground tunnel will be approximately 2,380 meters long and constructed as a drilled tunnel with an internal diameter of 3.4 meters, giving the tunnel the capacity to manage so-called 100 year rain events. Construction works will commence in 2024 with the establishment of four construction sites and shafts, and the project is scheduled for handover to the utility companies in 2028.