Elisa Oyj announced the world?s first deployment of 800Gbps Ethernet services over 800ZR coherent transceivers. Elisa is deploying 800Gbps technology within its backbone network, enhancing the development of mobile and optical fiber networks in Finland. The first deployment is in the Helsinki metropolitan area?s backbone network, using Juniper Networks?

PTX Series Routers and an early release of Juniper?s JCO800 coherent optics. Developing and future-proofing the backbone network is crucial, as it lays the foundation for expanding a more sustainable, robust, scalable and capable mobile and optical fiber network throughout Finland. Elisa provides a range of digital services, including mobile and fixed network connections, information and communications technology (ICT) and online services.

It serves both consumer and corporate customers, with operations primarily in Finland and Estonia, while expanding its digital services globally. As a market leader in Finland, Elisa is known for its innovation in 5G and digital solutions and is planning to develop its fiber network capacity towards 100G speeds in the upcoming years. By pioneering 800G coherent deployments, Elisa will significantly increase the capacity of individual backbone fiber.

A robust backbone network will allow Elisa to meet customers' rising data demands for several years to come. The backbone network is also crucial to Finland's access to secure transport, linking the country to international networks. It is essential for maintaining reliable access to global communication and data exchange channels and ensures that critical digital services, information flows and cross-border data exchanges remain stable and resilient.

Juniper?s Converged Optical Routing Architecture (CORA) solution is based on IP over DWDM (IPoDWDM). The solution enables IP traffic to be sent more efficiently and effectively over fiber networks through the use of coherent pluggable optic technology. Each IPoDWDM service uses a single coherent transceiver plugging directly into a router port, replacing multiple network elements traditionally required for IP to DWDM conversion.

Traditional (gray) and coherent 800ZR/ZR+ optics conform to the same router port form-factor (QSFP-DD), providing operators new levels of flexibility to choose, based on use case, between optic types on a port-by-port basis. The Juniper 800ZR+, 0dBm coherent pluggable technology used in the Elisa deployment converts IP traffic into ultra high-performance DWDM-ready wavelengths for optimized transport over DWDM networks or open line systems (OLS) using a single coherent pluggable optic. This architecture reduces the number of network elements, lowers costs and simplifies deployments.

In Elisa?s deployment, Juniper?s CORA leverages the Juniper PTX10002-36QDD Packet Transport Router and an early release of the Juniper JCO800 coherent pluggable optic. Its compact, energy-efficient system design reduces power consumption and cooling demands, directly lowering both operational costs and carbon footprint. With the PTX10002?s high-density port configurations, combined with JCO800 Coherent Optical Transceivers, space utilization is optimized allowing Elisa Oyj to expand network capacity without increasing the footprint of the 800G IPoDWDM upgrade.

This approach minimizes the environmental impact tied to hardware deployment, maintenance and disposal, enabling Elisa to meet rising data demands sustainably whilst elevating network performance. The PTX10002-36QDD Packet Transport Router, the world?s first production 800G router, is cloud-optimized and built upon Juniper's Express 5 ASIC. It supports high-capacity configurations with ease, delivering operational simplicity, energy efficiency and performance.

Designed for dense 100GbE, 400GbE, and 800GbE connections (supporting both gray and coherent optics), it scales to meet growing demands, particularly as AI and machine learning clusters expand.