Shareholding position held by Ice Canyon Rio de Janeiro, October 18, 2016 - ENEVA S.A. ("ENEVA" or "Company") (BM&FBOVESPA: ENEV3, GDR I: ENEVY), in compliance with article 12 of CVM Notice No. 358/2002, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that received the attached correspondence from Ice Canyon LLC ("Ice Canyon") informing that, upon the completion of the capital increase approved by the Board of Directors on October 3, 2016, as disclosed on a Material Fact Notice dated on October 3, 2016, now holds through investment funds in which it acts as a manager, a total of 10,997,274 shares, representing 4.60% of the Company's total issued shares. Pedro Zinner

Executive Vice President - CFO and Investor Relations Officer


17 de outubro de 2016.



Praia do Fl amengo, n° 66 Rio de Janeiro - RJ

At.: Pedro Zinner


October 17t 2016.



Praia do Flamengo, No. 66 Rio de Janeiro - RJ

At.: Pedro Zinner

Investor Relations

Ref.: Divulgacao de Participacao Acionaria Relevante na EN EVA S.A.

Ref.: Disclosure of Significant OwnershipInterest in ENEVA S.A.

Prezados Senhores,

Dear Sirs,

ICE G lobal Cred it (DCAM) Master Fu nd Limited, entidade organizada e existente de acordo com as leis da Republ ica da Irlanda, com sede em Dubl in, lrlanda, na 77 Sir John Rogerson 's Quay, Fitzwilliam Business Centre, office G03, inscrita no Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Juridicas do Ministerio da Fazenda ("CNPJ/MF") sob o n° 22.221.628/0001-50 ("ICE DCAM"); ICE

Focus EM Credit Master Fund Limited, entidade organizada e existente de acordo com as leis da Republica da Irlanda, com sede em Dublin, lrlanda, na 77 Sir John Rogerson 's

ICE Global Credit (DCAM) Master Fund Limited, company duly organized and existing 111 accordance with the laws of Republic of freland, with headquarters at Dublin, Ireland, in 77 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Fitzwilliam Business Centre, office G03, enrolled with Brazilian Taxpayer Registry ("CNPJ/MF") under No. 22.221.628/0001-50 ("ICE DCAM"); ICE

Focus EM Credit Master Fund Limited, company duly organized and existing m accordance with the laws of Republic of Ireland, with headquarters at Dublin, Ireland,

G03, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° Business Centre, office G03, enrolled with 18.645.966/0001-41 (''ICE Focus"); ICE CNPJ/MF under No. 1 8.645.966/0001 -41

G lobal Credit Al pha Master Fund Lim ited, ("ICE Focus"); ICE Global Credit Alpha entidade organizada e existente de acordo com Master Fu nd Limited, company duly as leis da Republica da Irlanda, com sede em organized and existing in accordance with the Dubl in, Irlanda, na 77 Sir John Rogerson's J aws of Republic of Ireland, with Quay, Fitzwilliam Business Centre, office headquarters at Dublin, Ireland, in 77 Sir G03, i nscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° John Rogerson's Quay, Fitzwilliam Business 18.645.968.0001 -30 ("ICE GCAM"); ICE Centre, office 003, enrolled with CNPJ/MF G lobal Cred it Master Fund Limited, under No. 18.645.968.0001 -30 ("ICE entidade organizada e existente de acordo com GCAM"); ICE Globa l Credit Master Fund as leis da Republica da lrlanda, com sede em Limited, company duly organized and Dubl in, lrlanda, na 77 Sir John Rogerson's existing in accordance with the laws of Quay, Fitzwilliam Business Centre, office Republic of Ireland, with headquarters at G03, i nscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° Dublin, Ireland, in 77 Sir John Rogerson's 18.645.969/0001-85 ("ICE GCM"); ICE Quay, Fitzwilliam Business Centre, office Oryx Alpha Master Fu nd Lim ited, entidade G03, enrolled with CNPJ/MF under No. organizada e existente de acordo com as leis 1 8.645.969/0001 -85 ("ICE GCM"); ICE da Rept'1blica da lrlanda, com sede em Dublin, Oryx Alpha Master Fund Limited, lrlanda, na 77 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, company duly organized and existing 111

Quay, Fitzwilliam Business Centre, office in 77 Sir John Rogerson 's Quay, Fitzwilliam

Fitzwilliam Business Centre, office 003, accordance with the laws of Republic of inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° Ireland, with headquarters at Dublin, Ireland, 21.999.845/0001 -02 ("ICE Oryx"); ICE in 77 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Fitzwilliam G lobal Cred it CLO Limited, entidade Business Centre, office 003, enrolled with organizada e existente de acordo com as leis CNP.I/MF under No. 21.999.845/0001-02 da Republ ica da lrlanda, com sede em Dubl in, ("IC E Oryx"); ICE G loba l Credit CLO I rlanda, na Mercer Street Lower, 2° andar, Lim ited, company duly organi zed and Beaux Lane House, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob existing in accordance with the laws of o 11° 22.887.136/0001 -06 ("ICE CLO"); ICE Republic of Ireland, with headquarters at 3: Global Credit CLO Limited, entidade Dublin, Ireland, in Mercer Street Lower, 2nct organizada e existente de acordo com as leis floor, Beaux Lane House, enrolled with da Repu blica da lrlanda, com sede em Dublin, CNPJ/MF under No. 22.887.1 36/0001-06 lrlanda, na Mercer Street Lower, 2° andar, ("ICE CLO"); ICE 3: Global Credit CLO Beaux Lane House, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob Limited, company duly organized and o n° 22.887.1 35/0001-53 ("ICE CLO 3"); existing in accordance with the laws of investidores estrangeiros, nos termos da Republic of Ireland, with headquaiiers at Resolll(;ao CMN n° 4.373, de 29 de setembro Dubl in, Ireland, in Mercer Street Lower, 2nd de 2014, representados pelo Citibank floor, Beaux Lane House, enrolled with Distribu idora de Titulos e Valores Mobiliarios CNPJ/MF under No. 22.887.1 35/0001-53 S.A., inscrito perante o CNPJ/MF sob o n° ("ICE CLO 3"); foreign investors, accordi ng 33.868.597/0001 -40 e JPMorgan Chase to CMN Resolution No. 4,373, dated Retirement Plan, entidade organizada e September 29, 2014, represented by Citibank existente de acordo com as leis de Nova York, Distribuidora de Tftulos e Valores com sede em Nova York, Estados Unidos da Mobiliarios S.A., enrolled with CNPJ/MF America, na One Chase, Manhattan Plaza, 19° under No. 33.868.597/0001 -40 and andar, inscrita no CNPJ/MF sob o n° JPMorgan Chase Retirement Plan,

97.539. l 43/0001 -08, investidor estrangeiro, company d uly organized and existing in nos termos cla Resolw;:ao CMN n° 4.373, de accordance with the laws of the State of New

29 de setembro de 2014, representado pelo York, with headquarters at New York, United

J.P. Morgan S.A. -- Distribuidora de Titulos e States of America, in One Chase, Manhattan Val ores Mobiliarios, inscri to perante o Plaza, 19th floor, enrolled with CNPJ/MF CNPJ/MF sob o n° 33.851.205/0001 -30 under No. 97.539.143/0001 -08, foreign (''JPM" e, em conjunto com ICE DCAM, ICE investor, according to CMN Resol ution Focus, ICE OCAM, ICE Focus, ICE GCAM, No. 4,373, elated September 29, 2014, ICE GCM, ICE Oryx, ICE CLO, ICE CLO 3 represented by J.P. Morgan S.A. denorninaclos "Fundos ICE Canyon"), neste Distribuiclora de Titulos e Valores ato, devidamente representados pela ICE Mobiliarios, enrolled with CNPJ/MF under Canyon LLC, sociedade de responsabil idade No. 33.851.205/0001 -30 ("JPM" and limitada constitufcla e existente de acordo com together with the aforementioned entities as leis de Delaware, com sede na 2000 herein described ICE DCAM, ICE Focus, Avenue of the Stars, 1 1° andar, Los Angeles, ICE GCAM, ICE GCM, ICE Oryx, ICE CA 90067, na qualidade de gestora dos fundos CLO, ICE CLO 3, jointly as "ICE Canyon (''ICE Canyon LLC"), em curnprimento ao Fu nds"), herein represented by ICE Canyon clisposto no artigo 12 da Instruyao CVM LLC, a limited liability company organized n° 358, de 3 de janeiro de 2002, conforme and existing in accordance with the laws of alterada ("lnstru ao CVM 358/02"), vem the State of Delaware, with headquarters at apresentar as informa95es abaixo, em razao de 2000 Avenue of the Stars, 1 1th floor, Los terem sua participayifo acionaria reduzida no Angeles, CA 90067, as investment manager

am bito do aumento de capital aprovado na Assembleia Geral Extraordinaria de 2 de agosto de 2016, e homologado na Reuniao do Conselho de Administrw;:ao, realizada em 3 de outubro de 2016 ("Au mento de Capital"), em 10.997.274 (dez mi lhoes, novecentas e noventa e sete mil, duzentas e setenta e quatro) w;:oes ordinarias, representativas de aproximadamente 4,60% do total das a95es ordinarias de emissao da Eneva S.A. ("Com panhia") ap6s o Aumento de Capital, conforme descrito abaixo:

("ICE Canyon LLC"), in compliance with the Article 12 of the CVM Instruction No. 358, dated January 3, 2002, as amended ("CVM Instruction 358"), hereby informs the decrease of the sharehol ding ownership of ICE Canyon Funds upon the completion of the capi tal increase approved by the General Shareholders Meeting, held on August 2nd, 2016, and ratified by the Board of Directors, on October 3•


# A



ICE 3: Global Credit CLO Limited

2.567.71 1

ICE 3: Global Credit CLO Limited


ICE Global Credit CLO Limited

2.01 0.287

ICE Global Credit CLO Limited

2,01 0,287

ICE Oryx Alpha Master Fund Limited

1 .600.693

ICE Oryx Alpha Master Fund Limited


ICE Global Credit

(DCAM) Master Fund


ICE Global Credit (DCAM) Master Fund Limited



ICE Global Credi t Alpha Master Fund Limited

1 .200.405

ICE Global Credit Alpha Master Fund Limited

1 ,200,405

ICE Focus EM Credit Master Fund Limited


ICE Focus EM Credit Master Fund Limited


ICE Global Credit Master Fund Limited


ICE Global Credit Master Fund Limited


JPMorgan Chase Retirement Plan

41 2.667

JPMorgan Chase Retirement Plan









Eneva SA published this content on 18 October 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 18 October 2016 22:43:02 UTC.

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