Business description: Eni S.p.A

cogeneration and renewable energy sources, from traditional and bio-based refining and chemistry to the development of circular economy processes. Eni S.p.A extends its reach to end markets, selling gas, electricity and products to local markets as well as to private and professional customers, to whom it also offers energy efficiency and sustainable mobility services. Thanks to the consolidation of skills, technologies, geographical and source diversification, development alliances and innovative business and financial models, Eni S.p.A continues to generate value, meeting the challenges of the energy trilemma.

Number of employees: 33,142

Sales by Activity: Eni S.p.A

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Refining & Marketing and Chemicals

23.33B 25.34B 40.37B 59.18B 52.56B

Exploration & Production

23.57B 13.59B 21.74B 31.2B 23.9B

Global Gas & LNG Portfolio

- 7.05B 20.84B 48.59B 20.14B

Plenitude & Power

- 7.54B 11.19B 20.88B 14.26B

Gas & Power

50.02B - - - -

Corporate and Other Activities

1.68B 1.56B 1.7B 1.88B 1.97B

Intersegment Sales

-28.72B -11.09B -19.27B -29.21B -

Consolidation Adjustments

- - - - -19.11B
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Eni S.p.A

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


23.31B 14.72B 29.97B 60.09B 33.45B

Rest of Europe

6.93B 8.19B 12.47B 21.75B 18.48B

Other European Union

18.57B 9.51B 14.67B 25.41B 18.27B


9B 4.84B 7.04B 9.19B 9.06B


8.1B 4.18B 7.89B 9.06B 7.4B


3.84B 2.43B 4.42B 6.93B 7B

Other Areas

129M 121M 115M 79M 55M
See all geographic segments

Managers: Eni S.p.A

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 70 2014-04-30
Director of Finance/CFO 56 2020-07-31
Compliance Officer - 2007-03-31
Chief Operating Officer 67 2020-12-31
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 55 2020-06-30
See ENI S.P.A governance

Members of the board: Eni S.p.A

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 70 2014-04-30
Director/Board Member 70 2020-05-13
Chairman 62 2023-05-10
Director/Board Member 58 2023-05-10
Director/Board Member 63 2023-05-10
Director/Board Member 69 2023-05-10
Director/Board Member 58 2023-05-10
Director/Board Member 44 2023-05-10
Director/Board Member 53 2023-05-10
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Eni S.p.A

Government of Italy
30.5 %
1,001,765,880 30.5 % 14 267 M €
2.823 %
92,737,013 2.823 % 1 321 M €
Mediolanum Gestione Fondi SGRpA
0.1804 %
5,923,813 0.1804 % 84 M €
Sjunde AP-fonden
0.1512 %
4,964,949 0.1512 % 71 M €
AG2R LA MONDIALE Gestion d'actifs SA
0.135 %
4,432,469 0.135 % 63 M €
Morgan Stanley Investment Management, Inc.
0.1971 %
3,236,143 0.1971 % 91 M €
Natixis Advisors LLC
0.1388 %
2,279,034 0.1388 % 64 M €
Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP
0.0855 %
1,403,340 0.0855 % 40 M €
Merrill Lynch International
0.0725 %
1,190,341 0.0725 % 34 M €
Aperio Group LLC
0.0517 %
849,456 0.0517 % 24 M €
List of ENI S.P.A shareholders

Holdings: Eni S.p.A

1,573,713,74963.04%4,841,813,617 $
92,737,0132.82%1,320,744,774 $
422,918,55021.19%1,041,517,284 $
614,678,51637.17%959,291,879 $
13,919,8375.32%65,116,580 $

Company details: Eni S.p.A

Eni SpA

Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1

00144, Rome

+39 06 59821
address Eni S.p.A(ENI)

Group companies: Eni S.p.A

NameCategory and Sector
Eni India Ltd.
Oil & Gas Production
Fri-El Annia SRL
Electric Utilities
Miscellaneous Commercial Services
Electric Utilities
See all subsidiaries

Integrated Oil & Gas

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-0.80%+1.51%-3.37%+4.71% 44.81B
+0.18%+0.36%-10.03%-9.21% 1,792B
+1.07%+2.75%+4.24%+13.42% 283B
-0.69%+1.34%+7.41%+33.66% 205B
+1.31%+3.16%+10.52%+45.88% 200B
-0.39%+1.09%-1.97%+14.69% 137B
0.00%-0.81%-10.82%+9.09% 86.79B
-2.82%+2.72%-1.58%-0.07% 68.42B
+2.62%+6.22%+34.19%+51.25% 50.35B
+0.04%-.--%-.--%-38.87% 48.89B
Average +0.06%+2.43%+2.86%+12.46% 291.62B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.21%+0.99%-4.42%+2.43%
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