ENNOSTAR Inc. announced that the appointment of board committees: Name and resume of the new position holder: (1) Wei-Min Sheng, Professor of Department of Public Finance in National Taichung University of Science and Technology. The independent director and Remuneration Committee member of EPISTAR Corporation; (2) Sen-Tai Wen, The independent director and Remuneration Committee member of Onano Industrial Corp. The independent director and Remuneration Committee member of LEXTAR Electronics Corp.; (3)Chi-Yen Liang, The director of Flexium Interconnect Inc. The independent director and Remuneration Committee member of EPISTAR Corporation; (4) Shian Ho Shen, The director of C Sun Mfg Ltd. The independent director and Remuneration Committee member of LEXTAR Electronics Corp.; (5) Wei-Chen Wang, CPA, PwC Taiwan (30 years of experience in previous years, and procedures were completed in June 2018.). CPA, Zhicheng Co-Accounting Firm The independent director & Remuneration Committee member of Taiwan Mask Corp. Effective date of the new member on August 11, 2021 to August 6, 2023.