Envirotech Vehicles, Inc. announced that the Company has delivered two vans to Pick and Send Transportation., a Newark-based company in New Jersey, funded by New Jersey's Zero Emission Incentive Program ("NJ ZIP"). NJ ZIP is a $90 million pilot voucher program that supports businesses and institutions purchasing new, zero-emission vehicles operating in the greater Newark and greater Camden areas by offering up to $175,000 towards the purchase of medium and heavy duty zero-emission vehicles. The program will provide vouchers with base values ranging between $20,000 to $175,000 for businesses and institutional organizations looking to transition their fleets to zero-emissions.

Bonuses are available for small businesses and minority-, women-, and veteran-owned businesses. NJ ZIP is funded by proceeds allocated to the New Jersey Economic Development Authority ("NJEDA") by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative ("RGGI") for the purposes of reducing harmful emissions, especially in communities disproportionately impacted by transportation emissions, and creating economic opportunity within the state.