ESSEN (dpa-AFX) - In Germany, support for the expansion of renewable energies is very stable. This is the result of a recent representative survey conducted by the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research on behalf of the Eon Foundation. According to the survey, a total of 89.4% of respondents "completely" or "somewhat" agreed with the expansion of renewable energy. This figure was 87.4% in the previous year, 89.1% in 2022 and 87.6% in 2021.
The survey was conducted by the opinion research institute Forsa. The same 3,738 people were surveyed in the fall of each year. The question was: "The energy transition includes a range of energy policy objectives. Please indicate your personal position on this."
Nuclear phase-out: majority expresses approval
There were major changes in the responses to "phasing out nuclear energy". While approval was still at 58.1% in 2021, it fell to 48.4% in 2022 and 46.1% in 2023. According to the survey, it rose again in the most recent survey in fall 2024 - to 50.8%.
When asked about the "expansion of supra-regional electricity grids", approval was at 85.7%. 76.0% agreed with the "phasing out of coal". Both figures are the highest of all four years.
In order for the energy transition to succeed, it must be ensured that it remains viable for industry and society, commented Eon CEO Leonhard Birnbaum on the survey results. "The starting position is not that bad." The study shows that the energy transition continues to enjoy stable approval among the population. "But for this to remain the case, it is crucial to limit the financial burden."/tob/DP/zb