Essity AB is one of the world's leading manufacturers of hygiene products. Net sales break down by family of products as follows:
- human care products (40.3%): incontinence products (Tena), feminine protection products (Libresse, Bodyform, Nana, Nuvenia, Saba, Nosotras, Donnasept, etc.), diapers (Libero, Up & Go, Libero-Peaudouce, Drypers, Pequenin, etc.), compresses and bandages.
- paper hygiene products (32.6%): paper towels, toilet paper, handkerchiefs, wipes, etc. sold under Tempo, Colhogar, Cozy, Cushelle, Danke, Delica, Demak Up, Favorita, Flen, Lotus, Lovly, Okay, Plenty, Regio and Zewa brands;
- professional hygiene products (26.8%): including toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand lotions and hand soaps, hand sanitizers, as well as cleaning and wiping products;
- other (0.3%).
At the end of 2023, the group operated around 70 production sites in the world.
Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Europe (60.3%), North America (17.4%), Latin America (17.1%), Asia (1.6%), and other (3.6%).