Listed companies


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Relation chart of related listed companies: EVgo, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: EVgo, Inc.

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Electric Utilities2
Financial Conglomerates1
Investment Managers1
Alternative Power Generation1
Specialty Stores1
Electronic Equipment/Instruments1
Miscellaneous Commercial Services1
Wireless Telecommunications1
Oil & Gas Pipelines1
Chemicals: Specialty1

Countries of related companies

United States11
Logo EVgo, Inc.
EVgo Inc. provides electric vehicle charging solutions. The Company is engaged in building and operating the infrastructure and tools to serve electric vehicles for individual drivers, rideshare and commercial fleets, and businesses. It has public fast charging networks, featuring over 950 fast charging locations across more than 35 states, including stations built through EVgo eXtend, its white label service offering. It provides transportation electrification through partnerships with automakers, fleet and rideshare operators, retail hosts such as grocery stores, shopping centers, and gas stations, policy leaders, and other organizations. Through its network and service offerings for drivers and partners including EVgo Optima, EVgo Inside, EVgo Rewards, and Autocharge+, it provides charging services. The Company is focused on building ultra-fast chargers. In addition to the provision of EV charging infrastructure, it develops and deploys software-based and value-added services.
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