Certain Shares of Execus S.p.A. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 4-AUG-2024.
The Company as well as the shareholders North Investment SA, Eurofiduciaria Srl, Gianni Adamoli and Lorenzo Lomartire have undertaken to the EGA and Global Coordinator, for a period of 18 months starting from the Trading Start Date and the shareholders Argo 1 and RF4L for a period of 12 months to not to carry out, directly or indirectly, sales, transfer, disposal or in any case operations which have as their object or effect, directly or indirectly, the attribution or transfer to third parties, for any reason and in any form (herein including the granting of option rights, establishment of pledges or other restrictions, securities lending) of the Shares to which they are entitled at the date of the admission.