Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: ExlService Holdings, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: ExlService Holdings, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: ExlService Holdings, Inc.

Exl Service.com (India) Pvt Ltd.

Information Technology Services

ExlService (U.K.) Ltd.

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Harkness Capital Management LLC

Investment Managers

Charities Aid Foundation (India)

Media Lab Asia Ltd.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Information Technology Services3
Regional Banks2
Miscellaneous Commercial Services2
Packaged Software2
Pharmaceuticals: Major2
Engineering & Construction1
Specialty Stores1
Real Estate Investment Trusts1
Investment Banks/Brokers1
Building Products1

Countries of related companies

United States16
United Kingdom2
Logo ExlService Holdings, Inc.
ExlService Holdings, Inc. is a data analytics and digital operations and solutions company. The Company partners with clients using a data and artificial intelligence (AI)-led approach. The Company’s segments include Insurance, Healthcare, Analytics and Emerging Business. Insurance segment serves property and casualty insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, insurance brokers, reinsurers, annuity and retirement services and insurance technology companies. Healthcare segment primarily serves United States-based healthcare payers, providers and pharmacy benefit managers organizations. Emerging Business segment provides data and AI-led enterprise solutions in the areas of finance and accounting, customer experience management and revenue enhancement to clients primarily in the banking and capital markets, utilities, retail and consumer packaged goods, technology, media, and telecom, travel and leisure, manufacturing, transportation and logistics and business services industries.
More about the company