Real-time Estimate
Cboe BZX
03:13:52 2025-02-18 pm EST
5-day change
1st Jan Change
203.75 USD
- The company has strong fundamentals. More than 70% of companies have a lower mix of growth, profitability, debt and visibility.
- Given the positive cash flows generated by its business, the company's valuation level is an asset.
- The average price target of analysts who are interested in the stock has been strongly revised upwards over the last four months.
- The opinion of analysts covering the stock has improved over the past four months.
- In relation to the value of its tangible assets, the company's valuation appears relatively high.
- The company is not the most generous with respect to shareholders' compensation.
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
Analysts' recommendations
12m Target Price Revision
Divergence of analysts' recommendations
Divergence of Target Price
Divergence of analysts' opinions
ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies