Sector consensus Exxon Mobil Corporation




Oil & Gas Refining and Marketing

Real-time Estimate Cboe BZX 01:28:18 2025-02-12 pm EST 5-day change 1st Jan Change
108.10 USD -2.33% Intraday chart for Exxon Mobil Corporation -1.42% +0.70%
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Consensus 4m Target Price Revision 4m Revision of opinion Divergence of analysts' opinions Divergence of Target Price Average Target P. Ecart obj. / dr Nbr of analysts
$129.25 +15.74%26
₹1,566.93 +26.89%37
HK$4.961 +21.91%16
GBX 5.994 +4.38%18
$136.97 +5.73%19
$167.47 +7.84%19
$149.12 +8.94%19
CA$103.76 +2.21%17
₹310.17 +29.81%29
₹148.03 +22.88%31
ARS 54,416.67 +26.55%3
€13.99 +18.78%24
¥970 +23.95%6
₹335.63 +31.54%32
₩141,458.33 +17%24
AED 4.248 +18.01%12
NT$44.63 +28.6%8
RON 0.7645 +2.62%7
€17.64 +52.66%20
CLP 8.009 +18.27%13
Average 9,999.63 +19.22% 19
Weighted average by Cap. 2,506.38 +16.93% 24
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