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Relationship chart for related private companies: FAT Brands Inc.

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Related private companies: FAT Brands Inc.

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United States5
Logo FAT Brands Inc.
FAT Brands Inc. is a global franchising company. The Company acquires, markets, and develops fast casual, quick-service, casual dining, and polished casual dining concepts around the world. It owns 18 restaurant brands: Round Table Pizza, Fatburger, Marble Slab Creamery, Johnny Rockets, Fazoli’s, Twin Peaks, Smokey Bones, Great American Cookies, Hot Dog on a Stick, Buffalo’s Cafe & Express, Hurricane Grill & Wings, Pretzelmaker, Elevation Burger, Native Grill & Wings, Yalla Mediterranean and Ponderosa and Bonanza Steakhouses, and franchises and owns over 2,300 units worldwide. Round Table Pizza is the franchisor of quick service restaurants located in California and the western United States. Hot Dog on a Stick is the franchisor of quick service restaurants located in regional malls in California and the western United States. Johnny Rockets is an international restaurant franchise. It also offers barbecue, ribs, seared steaks and operates in over 61 locations across 16 states.
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