FINEOS Corporation has forged a partnership with Osara Health, a digital health platform founded by oncologists, to enhance the care experience for individuals dealing with cancer. The partnership will offer integration of additional services for cancer patients and caregivers to insurance carriers using the FINEOS Platform for group, voluntary, individual and absence. Osara Health?s Cancer Coach initiative has demonstrated significant ability to improve overall return-to-work rates by 73%, and average time to return to work by 16.5 weeks in a recent Australian study.

Osara Health plans to replicate this study in the U.S. market over the coming months. The program also has shown enhancements for patients in pain relief, fatigue reduction, emotional well-being, mental health, and overall quality of life. Triggered by physician diagnosis codes linked to cancer/critical illness coverage, participation is conducted digitally, depending on what best meets the individual?s needs.

The recently introduced Cancer Caregivers program provides services for caregivers, enabling them to sustain employment and maintain productivity. As U.S. insurers look to bend the cost curve in one of the nation?s two most expensive medical claims areas while providing much-needed patient and family support, FINEOS and Osara Health anticipate their integration will increase program utilization rates for voluntary critical illness products and supplemental insurance products such as short-term disability (STD) using the automation capabilities of FINEOS Claims. The companies? integration into process flows will reduce the delay between diagnosis and receiving support by 3 months, helping individuals with cancer to achieve better health outcomes and avoid unnecessary financial stress by allowing them to return to work sooner.

The program is offered both by insurers as a part of their product bundle and by employers directly where appropriate. The alliance with Osara Health is the second partnership with a provider of enhanced support services FINEOS has announced this year. It has a similar arrangement with Empathy to provide support to grieving life insurance beneficiaries following loved ones?
