Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Franchise Brands plc

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Franchise Brands plc

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Franchise Brands plc

FB Holdings Corp


Hydraulic Authority I Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

Filta Group Holdings Ltd.

Environmental Services

Grease Management Ltd.

Environmental Services

Watbio Ltd.

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

The Filta Group Ltd.

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Miscellaneous Commercial Services3
Environmental Services2
Financial Conglomerates1
Wholesale Distributors1
Investment Banks/Brokers1
Medical Specialties1
Beverages: Alcoholic1

Countries of related companies

United Kingdom11
United States1
Logo Franchise Brands plc
Franchise Brands plc is a United Kingdom-based multi-brand franchisor focused on building businesses primarily via a franchise model. It has a combined network of over 625 franchisees across seven franchise brands in ten countries covering the United Kingdom, North America, and Europe. Its segments include Pirtek, Water & Waste, Filta International, B2C, Azura, and other operations. Its Pirtek segment operates through a network of depots providing on-site hydraulic hose replacement in eight European countries. Its Water &Waste Services segment includes drainage, plumbing, pump maintenance and installation, and services to commercial kitchens. Its Filta International segment operates a franchise network that comprises the franchise activities of Filta in North America and mainland Europe. The B2C segment comprises the ChipsAway, Ovenclean and Barking Mad franchise businesses. The Azura division is a franchise management software system developer.
More about the company