Sector consensus Frasers Group Plc




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Real-time Estimate Cboe Europe 04:37:22 2025-02-11 am EST 5-day change 1st Jan Change
630.25 GBX +0.20% Intraday chart for Frasers Group Plc +0.80% +3.53%
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Consensus 4m Target Price Revision 4m Revision of opinion Divergence of analysts' opinions Divergence of Target Price Average Target P. Ecart obj. / dr Nbr of analysts
GBX 8.65 +37.52%7
$243.4 +2.85%23
$30.7 +0.29%18
A$15.92 -0.76%15
NZ$0.5175 +31.01%4
$3.3 +74.6%5
Average 50.41 +24.25% 12
Weighted average by Cap. 125.88 +4.66% 19
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