
Nandi Proteins ("Nandi" or the "Company") has raised more than £500,000 via a convertible loan with investors including Nesta and Scottish Enterprise.

The move is part of wider funding initiative aimed at raising a total of about £1.5 million for the Company. Nesta Impact Investments (NII), the investment arm of UK social innovation agency Nesta, has also committed to back an equity funding round, which is expected to complete later this year and which aims to raise a further £1 million. Frontier IP holds a 19.7% per cent equity stake in Nandi.

Nandi intends to use the funding to support development of its egg white replacer, which has attracted strong interest from the baking and meat alternative industries. Earlier this year, Nandi signed a commercial license with a leading global food ingredients business who will take Nandi's meat/fat replacer to market worldwide once scale up and final application tests have been completed successfully.

Nandi's meat and fat replacers are based on collagen. The Company uses vegetable proteins to replace egg whites in a range of products, including gluten-free bread and muffins. Replacing egg whites in meat alternatives means vegetarian products can be sold as vegan.

Other applications for its innovative technology being developed by Nandi include:

  • vegetable proteins to replace methylcellulose a widely used binder in plant based meat alternatives
  • whey proteins to replace chemical emulsifiers in baked products

Through pioneering ways to reduce the fat with lower calorie ingredients in popular foods, Nandi Proteins has the potential to help reduce the UK's stubbornly high obesity rates. Nesta Impact Investments is committed to finding innovative ways to help halve obesity, aligning closely with Nandi's commercial egg and meat replacements for baking recipes, sausages and burgers, which in some cases halve the fat content. We are excited to support Nandi as it develops its business further.

John Loder, Investment Director at Nesta Impact Investments

As an existing investor we are pleased to support Nandi Proteins as it makes real progress towards commercialising its innovative protein technology.

Kerry Sharp, Director of Entrepreneurship and Investment, Scottish Enterprise

We are delighted with this funding from Nesta and Scottish Enterprise, and Nesta's commitment to invest in our equity raise. It provides further validation for our innovative food ingredient technology following our success in completing a global license of our first product that will be taken to market by a major industry supplier.

Nandi Proteins Chief Executive Officer David Flower

Nandi's technology has huge potential to replace undesirable ingredients used widely in the food industry. We very much welcome the support from Nesta, the UK government fund for social good, which underlines the value of the Company's work.

Frontier IP Chief Executive Officer Neil Crabb


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Frontier IP Group plc published this content on 27 August 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on August 27, 2024 at 06:13:09 UTC.