Executive Committee: Garmin Ltd.

Positions heldSince
Clifton Pemble

Clifton Pemble

59 year

Chief Executive Officer 2012-12-31
President 2007-09-30
Teri Seck

Teri Seck

Investor Relations Contact -
Bradley Trenkle

Bradley Trenkle

45 year

Chief Operating Officer 2024-06-30
Danny Bartel

Danny Bartel

76 year

Sales & Marketing -
Patrick Desbois

Patrick Desbois

57 year

Chief Operating Officer 2010-12-31
Douglas Boessen

Douglas Boessen

62 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2014-06-30
Treasurer 2014-06-30
Laurie Minard

Laurie Minard

59 year

Human Resources Officer 1992-12-31
Andrew Russell Etkind

Andrew Russell Etkind

69 year

Corporate Secretary 2000-07-31
Joshua Maxfield

Joshua Maxfield

General Counsel 2024-06-30

Composition of the Board of Directors: Garmin Ltd.

Min Hwan Kao

Min Hwan Kao

76 year

Chairman 2004-07-31
Catherine Lewis

Catherine Lewis

73 year

Governance Committee 2019-06-06
Audit Committee Chair 2013-07-29
Audit Committee 2019-06-06
Compensation Committee 2019-06-06
Nominating Committee 2019-06-06
Charles Peffer

Charles Peffer

77 year

Compensation Committee 2010-02-08
Governance Committee 2010-02-08
Nominating Committee 2010-02-08
Audit Committee Chair 2010-02-08
Joseph Hartnett

Joseph Hartnett

69 year

Audit Committee 2013-11-04
Governance Committee 2013-11-04
Nominating Committee 2013-11-04
Compensation Committee Chair 2019-06-06
Jonathan Burrell

Jonathan Burrell

61 year

Compensation Committee 2019-06-06
Governance Committee Chair 2019-06-06
Nominating Committee Chair 2019-06-06
Susan M. Ball

Susan M. Ball

61 year

Compensation Committee 2024-06-06
Clifton Pemble

Clifton Pemble

59 year

Executive Committee 2004-06-30

Former Officers and Directors: Garmin Ltd.

Positions held
Kevin Rauckman
Kevin Rauckman
Director of Finance/CFO 2010-02-08 2014-11-30
Treasurer 2010-02-08 2014-11-30
Thomas McDonnell
Thomas McDonnell
Director/Board Member 2010-02-08 2010-05-19
Thomas P. Poberezny
Thomas P. Poberezny
Director/Board Member 2010-05-24 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-17 -
Gene M. Betts
Gene M. Betts
Director/Board Member 2010-02-08 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-17 -
Carl Wolf
Carl Wolf
Sales & Marketing 2010-02-08 -
Dawn Iddings
Dawn Iddings
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-02-08 -
Ed Link
Ed Link
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2010-02-08 -
Donald H. Eller
Donald H. Eller
Director/Board Member 2010-02-08 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-07-17 -
Pao-Chang Huang
Pao-Chang Huang
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-02-16 -
Kerri R. Thurston
Kerri R. Thurston
Investor Relations Contact 2011-07-17 -
Polly Schwerdt
Polly Schwerdt
Public Communications Contact - -
Jon Cassat
Jon Cassat
Public Communications Contact 1992-12-31 -
Michael R. Wiegers
Michael R. Wiegers
Corporate Officer/Principal 1992-12-31 -
Ted Gartner
Ted Gartner
Public Communications Contact - -
Gary Burrell
Gary Burrell
Director/Board Member - -
Rebecca R. Tilden
Rebecca R. Tilden
Director/Board Member - -
Independent Dir/Board Member - -
Carly Hysell
Carly Hysell
Public Communications Contact - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 15
Female 5

Of which Executive Committee

Male 8
Female 1

Of which Directors

Male 5
Female 2


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Garmin Ltd.
Garmin Ltd. is one of the world's leaders in designing, producing, and marketing satellite geopositioning systems (GPS). The activity is organized around two families of products: - marine and land geopositioning systems: tracers and sensors, pocket assistants, automobile guidance systems, sporting equipment (equipped with detectors for speed, distance traveled, heart rate, etc.); - aerial geopositioning equipment: high-frequency communication transmitters, aerial display products, digital transponders (for transmitting altitude and flight number, broadcast by towers and control radar systems), beacon receivers, audio panels, etc. Net sales break down by area of activity between outdoor activities (32.5%), sports and fitness (25.7%), marine (17.5%), aviation (16.2%), and automotive (8.1%). At the end of 2023, the group had 9 production sites located in the United States (3), Taiwan (3), China, the Netherlands, and Poland. Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Americas (50%), Europe/Middle East/Africa (34%) and Asia/Pacific (16%).
More about the company