Nederlandse Paarden Registratie Maatschappij N.V. made a non-solicited bid to acquire GeoJunxion N.V. (ENXTAM:GOJXN) for €5.3 million on December 22, 2021. The bid is an indicative, non-binding bid on all of the issued shares of GeoJunxion N.V., with the aim to acquire a minimum of 55% of the outstanding shares. The detail received specifies that the payment will be made in shares of NPRM N.V. at an exchange rate of 4 GeoJuxnion shares per 1 NPRM share. At the time of writing the share price of NPRM Group was €5. This equates to a value of €1.25 per GeoJunxion share. As of December 29, 2021, GeoJunxion Boards believe that the offer shows limited premium to the current GeoJunxion's share price. Additionally, being an offer in shares and not in cash, it triggers the need to receive and study additional details about NPRM's business, financial position and tradability of its shares. The GeoJunxion Boards are looking forward to receiving additional, more exhaustive details about NPRM's financial position and business plans. Currently, the Boards consider the offer to be too low and not representing the real value of GeoJunxion, its current business and near-term outlook.

Nederlandse Paarden Registratie Maatschappij N.V. cancelled the acquisition of GeoJunxion N.V. (ENXTAM:GOJXN) for €5.3 million on January 6, 2022.