Global Green Chemicals Public Company Limited announced independent directors meeting no. 1/2022 held on June 29, 2022 has passed the resolution to appoint Prof. Dr. Kumchai Jongjakapun to be the chairman of independent directors effective from June 29, 2022 onwards. The company board of directors and sub-committees members as of June 29, 2022 are as follows: 1. Mr. Kongkrapan Intarajang - chairman, 2. Prof. Dr. Kumchai Jongjakapun - chairman of independent directors /chairman of audit committee, 3. Mrs. Kannika Ngamsopee - independent director /director to audit committee /chairman of risk management committee, 4. ACM Songtam Chokkanapitag - independent director /chairman of nomination and remuneration committee 5. Pol.

Gen. Suchart Theerasawat - independent director /chairman of corporate governance and sustainable development committee, 6. Mr. Jarun Wiwatjesadawut - independent director /director to risk management committee, 7. Mr. Thanwa Laohasiriwong - independent director /director to audit committee /director to corporate governance and sustainable development committee, 8. Maj. Gen.

Titawat Satiantip - independent director /director to nomination and remuneration committee /director to corporate governance and sustainable development committee, 9. Mr. Varit Namwong - director /director to nomination and remuneration committee /director to risk management committee 10. Mr. Thanakorn Manoonpol - director, 11. Mr. Piroj Samutthananont - director /director to risk management committee.