Goodman Group announced that Independent Non-Executive Director, Rebecca McGrath, has notified the Goodman Board of her intention to bring forward her retirement from the Board from the 2024 AGM to 28 February 2023 in order to accommodate her expanding commitments with other companies. Goodman will continue to seek to maintain a diverse board with the appropriate mix of skills, gender and geographic representation to build on the recent appointments of Hilary Spann and Vanessa Liu. Both Hilary and Vanessa will stand for election to the Board at this year's AGM.

In light of these recent changes, the Board has asked long standing director, Phil Pryke, the Chair of the Remuneration Committee, to stand again for re-election at this year's AGM to help preserve knowledge and experience on the Board. It is intended that Phil would retire from the Board during his next term after facilitating a smooth transition for a new Remuneration Committee Chair. Reflecting the increasing importance of Sustainability and the changes arising through technology and innovation, the Board is establishing a new Sustainability and Innovation Committee.

The new Committee will draw on the skills and experience of Chris Green (Committee Chair), Vanessa Liu, Phil Pryke and Hilary Spann and will commence its activities from 1 October 2022. Rebecca McGrath will continue to chair the Risk and Compliance Committee until her retirement but will step down as a member of the Nomination Committee on 1 October 2022, to be replaced by Mark Johnson.