Share class: Grupo Casas Bahia S.A.

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A195,042,99778,660,508 ( 82.76 %) 16,000 ( 0.0168 %) 82.76 %

Major shareholders: Grupo Casas Bahia S.A.

BTG Pactual WM Gestão de Recursos Ltda.
9.15 %
8,700,100 9.15 % 4 M R$
7,462,394 7.848 % 3 M R$
EK-VV Ltd.
3.448 %
3,278,591 3.448 % 2 M R$
1,603,064 1.686 % 744 399 R$
Artesanal Investimentos Ltda.
1.071 %
1,018,065 1.071 % 472 749 R$
Occam Brasil Gestão de Recursos Ltda.
0.4655 %
442,589 0.4655 % 205 521 R$
Itaú Unibanco SA
0.3582 %
340,594 0.3582 % 158 158 R$
Mapfre Investimentos Ltda.
0.2667 %
253,639 0.2667 % 117 780 R$
0.222 %
211,100 0.222 % 98 026 R$
Guide Gestão de Recursos Ltda.
0.1913 %
181,893 0.1913 % 84 464 R$
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Grupo Casas Bahia SA0.09%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Brazil 12.93%
Individuals 9.53%
New Zealand 3.45%
United Kingdom 0.13%
Spain 0.08%
South Africa 0.02%
Norway 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Grupo Casas Bahia S.A.
Grupo Casas Bahia SA, formerly known as Via SA is a Brazil-based company engaged in multichannel retail of consumer electronics and furniture. The Company operates in the consumer electronics, home appliance, mobile phone and furniture retail segments through Casas Bahia and Ponto Frio banners, as well as through the e-commerce platforms:, and The Company has over 1000 stores and is present in more than 20 Brazilian states. In addition, it owns Bartira, a furniture manufacturer, that makes furniture for bedrooms, kitchens and living rooms, among other things, which are sold exclusively at Casas Bahia and Pontofrio stores. The Company provides also financial services, such as consumer finance, through credits and co-branded credit cards.
More about the company