The board of directors of Hydoo International Holding Limited announced that Cai Hongwen has resigned as chief executive officer of the company with effect from June 09, 2020 as he intends to focus on the duties of co-chairman of the board. Consequent to the resignation of chief executive officer, he will remain as an executive Director of the company and a co-chairman of the Board. he has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the board and there is no matter relating to his resignation as chief executive officer that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company. The Board announced that Mr. Yang Sanming ("Mr. Yang") has been appointed as chief executive officer of the Company with effect from 9 June 2020. Mr. Yang is principally responsible for overall business operation and corporate development of the Group. Mr. Yang, aged 46, a senior engineer and an architect, is engaged in construction and real estate industry for 24 years with proven experience in management of real estate operation in China.