Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Gurit Holding AG

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Gurit Holding AG

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Gurit Holding AG

Lenz & Staehelin AG

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Gurit (UK) Ltd.

Chemicals: Specialty

Gurit Material Systems (UK) Ltd.

Industrial Conglomerates

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Miscellaneous Manufacturing2
Industrial Conglomerates1
Chemicals: Specialty1
Miscellaneous Commercial Services1
Industrial Machinery1
Trucks/Construction/Farm Machinery1
Telecommunications Equipment1
Engineering & Construction1
Medical Specialties1
Metal Fabrication1

Countries of related companies

United Kingdom2
Logo Gurit Holding AG
Gurit Holding AG is a Swiss holding company and is engaged in the development, production and marketing of advanced composite materials featuring bespoke physical and chemical characteristics. The Company operates through the sole business segment Composites. The Company's product portfolio comprises fiber reinforced glass and carbon prepregs, structural core products, gel coats, adhesives, resins and consumables as well as composite process equipment and car body panels. The Company focuses on four core markets: Wind Energy, for which the Company develops and manufactures advanced composites; Tooling, for which the Company manufactures moulds; Transportation, for which the Company produces aircraft interiors and spacecraft materials, and Marine, for which it manufactures and supplies composite materials to the boatbuilding market. It also supplies its products to the Architectural market and supplies the Ocean Energy sector, as well as provides engineering consultancy services.
More about the company