Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: GXO Logistics, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: GXO Logistics, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: GXO Logistics, Inc.

GXO Warehouse Co., Inc.

Air Freight/Couriers

PFSweb, Inc.

Air Freight/Couriers

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Air Freight/Couriers2
Internet Software/Services1
Multi-Line Insurance1
Wireless Telecommunications1
Food: Meat/Fish/Dairy1
Real Estate Investment Trusts1
Packaged Software1
Miscellaneous Commercial Services1

Countries of related companies

United States10
Logo GXO Logistics, Inc.
GXO Logistics, Inc. is a contract logistics provider. The Company provides its customers with value-added warehousing and distribution, order fulfillment, e-commerce, reverse logistics and other supply chain services to deliver technology-enabled customized solutions. It offers its technology in three areas: labor and inventory management productivity, intelligent warehouse automation and predictive analytics, all of which are integrated through its warehouse management platform. The Company has three reporting units: Americas and Asia-Pacific; United Kingdom, and Ireland and Continental Europe. It operates approximately 970 facilities worldwide totaling 200 million square feet of space, primarily on behalf of large corporations that have outsourced their warehousing, distribution, and other related activities to the Company. It serves a range of customers in various industries, including aerospace, utilities, industrial, technology, and healthcare.
More about the company