The boards of directors of Hang Lung Group Limited ("HLG") and Hang Lung Properties Limited ("HLP") (collectively the "Group") announced that Mr. Adriel Wenbwo CHAN ("Mr. Chan"), an executive director of HLG and HLP, will be
appointed as Vice Chair of the Boards of HLG and HLP with effect from September 13, 2020. Mr. Chan, joined the Group in 2010. He was appointed to the Boards of HLG and HLP as an executive director in 2016. Mr. Chan is currently responsible for the Development and Design Department, Project Management Department (including its asset assurance & improvement team) and Cost & Controls Department. Mr. Chan is also the Chair of the Sustainability Steering Committee and a member of Enterprise Risk Management Working Group, amongst his other responsibilities within the Group. Mr. Chan has not been appointed as Vice Chair for a specific length of service. His
directorship is subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meeting in accordance with the respective articles of association of HLG and HLP and the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules").