Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Harmony Biosciences Holdings, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Harmony Biosciences Holdings, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Harmony Biosciences Holdings, Inc.

The Aspen Institute, Inc.

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Paragon Biosciences Qlarity Capital, Inc.

Pharmaceuticals: Major

Castle Creek Biosciences, Inc.


CIRC Biosciences, Inc.


Emalex Biosciences, Inc.

Pharmaceuticals: Major

Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America


Paragon Biosciences Emalex Capital, Inc.

Pharmaceuticals: Major

The Commercial Club of Chicago

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

The Field Museum of Natural History

Other Consumer Services

Valor Management LLC

Investment Managers

National Investor Relations Institute

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Pharmaceuticals: Major9
Miscellaneous Commercial Services4
Investment Managers1
Other Consumer Services1
Medical Specialties1
Pharmaceuticals: Other1
Packaged Software1
Specialty Stores1

Countries of related companies

United States23
United Kingdom1
Logo Harmony Biosciences Holdings, Inc.
Harmony Biosciences Holdings, Inc. is a commercial-stage pharmaceutical company. It is focused on developing and commercializing therapies for patients living with rare neurological diseases as well as patients living with other neurological diseases who have unmet medical needs. Its product, WAKIX (pitolisant), is a first-in-class molecule with a novel mechanism of action designed to enhance histamine signaling in the brain by binding to H3 receptors. Its WAKIX is developed for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in adult patients with narcolepsy and treatment of cataplexy in adult patients with narcolepsy. It also provides HBS-102, an investigational compound, which is a melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1) antagonist that targets MCH neurons in the brain. It also develops ZYN002, a pharmaceutically manufactured synthetic cannabidiol. It is also focused on the rare epilepsy franchise in its expanding late-stage pipeline of CNS assets: EPX-100 and EPX-200.
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