Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: HICL Infrastructure PLC

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: HICL Infrastructure PLC

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: HICL Infrastructure PLC

InfraRed Capital Partners Ltd.

Investment Managers

Apax Global Alpha Ltd.

Investment Managers

Health Improvement Commission For Guernsey & Alderney Lbg

The Association of Investment Cos.

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Infrared Infrastructure Yield Holdings Ltd.

Engineering & Construction

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Investment Managers4
Engineering & Construction3
Real Estate Investment Trusts2
Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds1
Miscellaneous Manufacturing1
Food: Meat/Fish/Dairy1

Countries of related companies

United Kingdom12
Logo HICL Infrastructure PLC
HICL Infrastructure PLC is a United Kingdom-based long-term investor in infrastructure assets which are predominantly operational and yielding steady returns. The Company seeks to provide investors with long-term distributions, at levels that are sustainable, and to preserve the capital value of its investment portfolio over the long term with potential for capital growth. The Company targets an annual distribution of at least seven pence per ordinary share. Its investment policy is to ensure a diversified portfolio which has a number of similarly sized investments and is not dominated by any single investment. It has a portfolio of over 100 infrastructure investments. It has investment in various sectors, including accommodation; education; electricity and water; health; fire, law and order; transport, and communications. The Company's portfolio includes Affinity Water, High Speed 1, Fortysouth and A63 Motorway. Its investment manager is InfraRed Capital Partners Limited.
More about the company