HPQ Silicon Resources Inc. reported that technology provider, PyroGenesis Canada Inc., has informed HPQ that the commissioning phase of the program has been completed and that the PUREVAP Quartz Reduction Reactor (QRR) pilot plant is now functional. With the GEN3 PUREVAP QRR pilot plant functional the project is entering its final Research and Development phase; operating the pilot plant to test the system under operational conditions and producing high purity Silicon material sought after by battery makers and high value application manufacturers. Budgeted at CAD 2,830,000 and lasting up to twelve (12) months, this final phase of the program will allow HPQ to validate and quantify the following PUREVAP QRR disruptive advantages identified during the previously completed Gen1 and Gen2 PUREVAP QRR testing phases: Produce silicon material of higher purity than any traditional processes in a single step, That it can do so without the need for extremely pure feedstock required by conventional processes, That it only requires 4.5 MT of raw material to make 1 MT of Silicon versus the 6 MT required by conventional processes, That it does possess a significant cash cost advantage versus the lowest cost traditional Silicon producer.

As the test work advances, HPQ will commence: Using the material for downstream testing and production of more HPQ high value add products, Providing samples to potential off-takers to allow product customization, and Planning the deployment of commercial – scale production systems (PUREVAP™ QRR 4.0) capable of producing 2,500 tonnes per year of high purity silicon material.