The board of directors (the board) of Hysan Development Company Limited announced that: (1) Mr. Hao Shu Yan (Mr. Hao) has resigned as the company secretary of the company with effect from 1 December 2023; and (2) Ms. Chow Lai Kwan (Ms. Chow) has been appointed as the company secretary of the company with effect from 1 December 2023. Mr. Hao has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board, and that he is not aware of any matters in relation to his resignation as the company secretary of the company that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company. Mr. Hao continues to serve the company as the chief financial officer of the company.

Ms. Chow joined the company in 2021 and is currently the general counsel of the company. Ms. Chow holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Laws and Bachelor of Laws degree from The University of Hong Kong. Ms. Chow is a solicitor qualified in Hong Kong and England and Wales (non-practising).