Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: iA Financial Corporation Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: iA Financial Corporation Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: iA Financial Corporation Inc.

Institute of Corporate Directors

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Québec Bar Assoication

Financial Conglomerates

RGA Life Reinsurance Company of Canada

Life/Health Insurance

The American Academy of Actuaries

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Vericity, Inc.

Life/Health Insurance

Finance Montréal

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Canadian Institute of Actuaries

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

The Society of Actuaries

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Miscellaneous Commercial Services5
Life/Health Insurance3
Real Estate Investment Trusts2
Precious Metals2
Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds1
Engineering & Construction1
Oilfield Services/Equipment1
Metal Fabrication1
Forest Products1

Countries of related companies

United States4
United Kingdom2
Logo iA Financial Corporation Inc.
iA Financial Corporation Inc. is a holding company, which offers a range of life and health insurance products and other financial products and services. The Company's segments include Insurance, Canada; Wealth Management; US Operations; Investment, and Corporate. The Insurance, Canada segment includes life and health insurance products, auto and home insurance products, creditor insurance, replacement insurance and warranties, extended warranties and other ancillary products for dealer services, and specialized products for special markets. It also engaged in offering Final Expense and Term Life products. Wealth Management segment includes products and services for savings plans, retirement funds and segregated funds, in addition to securities brokerage (including cross-border services), trust operations and mutual funds. Its US Operations segment includes life insurance products and extended warranties relating to dealer services sold in the United States.
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