ICL announced that the one-of-a-kind polyhalite multi-nutrient fertilizer produced at its Boulby mine in East Cleveland, United Kingdom, has been approved for use in organic farming. ICL markets this unique mineral under the brand name Polysulphate, and the Control Union Certifications organization, which is accredited by both the EU and USDA, now recognizes both standard and granular grades of Polysulphate as organic fertilizers. Polysulphate is available in its natural state and is mined, crushed, screened and bagged, with no additional chemical separation or other industrial processes unlike blended or compound fertilizers and has the lowest carbon footprint available globally. Polysulphate is a cost-effective answer to crop nutrition, as it contains four key plant nutrients: sulfur, potassium, magnesium and calcium, which are steadily available to plants along the crop cycle.