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Relation chart of related listed companies: Imunon, Inc.

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Relationship chart for related private companies: Imunon, Inc.

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Related private companies: Imunon, Inc.

Slone Career Strategies, Inc.

Personnel Services

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Listed companies

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Pharmaceuticals: Major4
Personnel Services1
Medical Specialties1

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United States9
Logo Imunon, Inc.
Imunon, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company. The Company is focused on advancing a portfolio of treatments that harness the body’s natural mechanisms across an array of human diseases. The Company is developing non-viral Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) technology across four modalities. The first modality, TheraPlas, is developed for the coding of proteins and cytokines in the treatment of solid tumors. The second modality, PlaCCine, is developed for the coding of viral antigens that can elicit a strong immunological response. The third modality, FixPlas, concerns the application of Imunon’s DNA technology to produce universal cancer vaccines, also called tumor associated antigen cancer vaccines. The fourth modality, IndiPlas, is in the discovery phase and is focused on the development of personalized cancer vaccines, or neoepitope cancer vaccines. Its lead clinical program, IMNN-001, is a DNA-based immunotherapy for the localized treatment of advanced ovarian cancer.
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