Annual Report 2021
Innofactor Plc Annual Report January 1 to December 31, 2021
Innofactor in Brief | Content |
Innofactor's purpose is to innovate to make the world work better. We are driven by a | 4-33 | Business Review 2021 | |||
Year 2021 in Brief | 4 | ||||
mission to help our customers succeed by modernizing and digitalizing their organization. | |||||
CEO's Review | 6 | ||||
Our working principle is to put people first in everything we do. We want to create solutions | |||||
that make people's everyday work and life run smoothly and bring a smile to their faces. | Market, Competition, and Strategy | 8 | |||
We focus on the Microsoft ecosystem's Business-to-Business solutions whose markets | Offering and Customers | 10 | |||
are growing faster than the IT market on average. We offer our customers planning | Personnel | 26 | |||
services for business-critical IT solutions, project deliveries, implementation support and | Sustainability | 30 | |||
maintenance services, and develop our own software and services. | |||||
Administration | 34 | ||||
Our solutions are used by approximately 1,000 organizations in the private, public, | |||||
and third sectors in the Nordic countries. We are a strong and valued partner. Our long- | 36-51 Report of the Board of Directors | ||||
term customer relationships are evidence of the customers' trust in Innofactor. We utilize | |||||
a proactive and flexible delivery model that creates added value and helps us establish a | 52-93 | Consolidated Financial Statements | |||
superior position in the market. | |||||
Innofactor has approximately 500 enthusiastic and motivated top specialists in Finland, | Comprehensive Consolidated Profit | ||||
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. We are united by our desire to work on the front line | and Loss Statement, IFRS | 53 | |||
of innovation and new technology. We take pride in our highly competent professionals | Consolidated Balance Sheet | 54 | |||
and significantly invest in competence development. Our employees | maintain and | ||||
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement | 56 | ||||
improve their skills by acquiring technological qualifications, such as Microsoft Certified | |||||
Consolidated Statement of Change | |||||
Professional, and by participating in training provided by our own Innofactor Academy. | |||||
in Shareholders' Equity | 57 | ||||
Their high level of expertise is evidenced by the 16 Microsoft Gold competencies we have | |||||
Financial Statements | 58 | ||||
achieved, for example. | |||||
Our net sales in 2021 amounted to EUR 66.4 million, which shows an increase of 0.3 | Parent Company Financial Statement (FAS) | 80 | |||
percent from the previous year in spite of the divestment of the Prime business on April 1, | Signatures | 88 | |||
2021, which reduced net sales by approximately EUR 2.6 million. Our operating margin | Auditor's Report | 89 | |||
(EBITDA) was EUR 10.1 million, corresponding to 15.2 percent of net sales. The long-term | |||||
goals specified in our strategy are to achieve annual growth of about 20 percent, primarily | 94-95 | Additional Information | |||
through organic growth, an operating margin (EBITDA) of about 20 percent in relation to | |||||
Key Figures per Share | 94 | ||||
net sales, as well as to maintain positive cash flow and ensure a solid financial standing in | |||||
Shareholding | 94 | ||||
all situations. | |||||
Calculation of Key Figures | 95 | ||||
Innofactor Plc share is listed on the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. Innofactor has | |||||
approximately 12,000 shareholders. | |||||
#ModernDigitalOrganization | #HybridWork | #PeopleFirst | #CreatingSmiles | |||||
Note: The English version of Innofactor's Annual Report is a translation of the Finnish version and provided for reference only. In the event | |||||
of any conflict or discrepancy between the Finnish and English versions, the Finnish version shall prevail and be treated as the correct version. | 3 | 3 | |||
Innofactor Achieved the Highest-Ever Net Sales,
EBITDA, and Order Backlog
Innofactor revised its strategy, offering and organization in 2021 to enable even stronger organic growth in the future. Innofactor divested the Prime business, which increased the operating margin in 2021, but decreased the net sales.
The Innofactor Group's net sales in 2021 were EUR 66,364 | April 1, 2021. The Prime business was mainly targeted at | record-high net sales, EBITDA and order backlog in 2021. | ||||||
thousand (EUR 66,164 thousand in 2020), showing | parishes in Finland. | We appointed Martin Söderlind to the new role of | ||||||
an increase of 0.3 percent. Operating profit before | The transition to the new organizational structure | Chief Innovation and Talent Officer, complementing | ||||||
depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) was EUR 10,111 | led to an unfortunate deterioration of net sales and | Innofactor's Executive Board. Based at our Stockholm | ||||||
thousand (EUR 7,164 thousand in 2020), representing | profitability in the Finnish business during the second half | office, Söderlind took up his post on April 1, 2021. He | ||||||
growth of EUR 41.1 percent. The share of EBITDA of net | of the year. The COVID-19 pandemic and organizational | is in charge of developing Innofactor's offering and the | ||||||
sales was 15.2 percent (10.8 percent in 2020). The order | changes together led to Innofactor's highest-ever rate | competence of our personnel. The Finnish leadership | ||||||
backlog at the end of the review period was EUR 72,837 | of employee turnover in the third quarter, which had | team was joined on August 9, 2021, by Jarno Limnéll, | ||||||
thousand (EUR 60,402 thousand in 2020), showing an | a negative effect on net sales for the remainder of the | Professor of Practice at Aalto University, as the head of | ||||||
increase of 20.6 percent. | year. Employee turnover returned to normal in the fourth | the new Cybersecurity Solutions unit, and on September | ||||||
Innofactor revised its strategy in 2021 to provide even | quarter and the number of personnel began to grow | 23, 2021, by Riikka Hägg in the position of Head of HR. | ||||||
stronger support for growth. In our strategy work, we | again thanks to successful recruitment. | Internal transfers effective on October 1, 2021, also saw | ||||||
defined the areas in which we see the strongest growth | Norway and Denmark returned to the path of | Stella Diesen and Marko Lybeck join the Finnish leadership | ||||||
potential regarding our business and Microsoft's solution | profitable growth in 2021. While net sales in Sweden again | team as the heads of the new Data and Analytics unit and | ||||||
offering. Innofactor redefined its offering according to the | declined slightly, the year-on-year decrease in EBITDA was | the new Cloud Infrastructure unit, respectively. | ||||||
growth areas in question. The new offering is built around | halved in 2021. In the final quarter of 2021, EBITDA was | To | support its growth targets, | Innofactor opened | ||||
six spearheads: Digital Services, Business Solutions, | positive by a clear margin in all of Innofactor's operating | a new office in Jyväskylä, Finland at the beginning of | ||||||
Information and Case Management, Cloud Infrastructure, | countries. Innofactor's strong profitability in 2021 was also | November 2021. Having a sufficient number of offices | ||||||
Data and Analytics, and Cybersecurity. The organizational | attributable to the sales gain of EUR 2.6 million recognized | in the Nordic countries is important for promoting the | ||||||
structure in Finland was changed accordingly, effective | on the divestment of the Prime business, as well as lower | achievement of Innofactor's growth targets. We will again | ||||||
from October 1, 2021. As part of the sharpening of its | travel expenses and other operating expenses due to the | consider opening new offices in 2022. | ||||||
offering, Innofactor | divested the Prime business | on | COVID-19 pandemic. On the whole, Innofactor reached | Norway | ||||
10% | ||||||||
A strong customer base | Denmark | |||||||
Recurring service | 6% | |||||||
in the private, public, | Delivery projects | |||||||
Sweden, Denmark, and | ||||||||
and membership- | and consulting | contracts and license | ||||||
Public sector | based organizations | 41% | sales create a competitive | Norway represented | ||||
Licenses | ||||||||
43% | provides stability against | 3% | edge and stability for the | Sweden | a significant part of | |||
Private | economic cycles | business | 18% | Innofactor's net sales | ||||
sector | Recurring service | Finland | ||||||
43% | Professional services | We aim to achieve a | ||||||
The 10 largest | software | 66% | ||||||
Third | ||||||||
contracts and | ||||||||
sector | customers account for | maintenance | are increasingly | strong position in all of the | ||||
14% | approximately 28% | 23% | moving towards frame | Nordic countries | ||||
of net sales | agreements and | |||||||
Expert services based | continuous maintenance | |||||||
on recurring contracts |
EUR million
66.1 | 63.1 | 64.2 | 66.2 | 66.4 |
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
610 | 591 | 544 | ||
534 | ||||
516 | ||||
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
EBITDA | 10.1 | |||
EUR million |
1.3 2018
2017 | -1.0 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
43% | 41% | 42% | 51% | |
40% | ||||
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | |
Net sales, EUR thousand | 66,364 | 66,164 | 64,198 | 63,144 | 66,088 |
Operating profit before depreciation and | |||||
amortization (EBITDA), EUR thousand | 10,111 | 7,164 | 5,089 | -1,029 | 1,308 |
percentage of net sales | 15.2% | 10.8% | 7.9% | -1.6% | 2.0% |
Operating profit (EBIT), EUR thousand | 6,519 | 2,501 | 795 | -3,872 | -1,461 |
percentage of net sales | 9.8% | 3.8% | 1.2% | -6.1% | -2.2% |
Earnings before taxes, EUR thousand | 5,730 | 2,050 | 12 | -3,811 | -1,579 |
percentage of net sales | 8.6% | 3.1% | 0.0% | -6.0% | -2.4% |
Earnings, EUR thousand | 4,504 | 1,761 | 418 | -3,462 | -2,007 |
percentage of net sales | 6.8% | 2.7% | 0.7% | -5.5% | -3.1% |
Shareholders' equity, EUR thousand | 25,404 | 23,444 | 22,145 | 21,303 | 24,764 |
Interest-bearing liabilities, EUR thousand | 9,818 | 15,386 | 16,853 | 15,418 | 14,228 |
Cash and cash equivalents, EUR thousand | 1,963 | 3,066 | 963 | 258 | 910 |
Deferred tax assets, EUR thousand | 4,830 | 6,413 | 5,602 | 5,602 | 5,668 |
Return on equity | 18.4% | 7.7% | 1.9% | -13.8% | -5.3% |
Return on investment | 20.6% | 11.1% | 2.3% | -7.7% | -2.4% |
Net gearing | 30.9% | 52.5% | 71.8% | 71.2% | 53.8% |
Equity ratio | 51.1% | 42.2% | 40.2% | 41.2% | 43.4% |
Balance sheet total, EUR thousand | 51,057 | 56,607 | 55,720 | 51,875 | 58,272 |
Research and development, EUR thousand | 3,504 | 3,618 | 2,795 | 2,860 | 3,298 |
percentage of net sales | 5.3% | 5.5% | 4.4% | 4.5% | 5.0% |
Personnel on average during the year | 516 | 544 | 534 | 591 | 610 |
Personnel at the end of the year | 500 | 541 | 538 | 550 | 601 |
Number of shares at the end of the year | 37,388,225 | 37,388,225 | 37,388,225 | 36,188,225 | 36,188,225 |
Earnings per share (EUR) | 0.1208 | 0.0471 | 0.0113 | -0.0880 | -0.0262 |
Shareholders' equity per share (EUR) | 0.6813 | 0.627 | 0.592 | 0.589 | 0.684 |
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Innofactor Oyj published this content on 10 March 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 March 2022 06:52:05 UTC.