Share class: Inpex Corporation

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A0100 67.27 %
Stock B01,259,136,067846,972,933 ( 67.27 %) 39,671,828 ( 3.151 %)

Major shareholders: Inpex Corporation

Government of Japan
21.99 %
276,922,801 21.99 % 3 471 M ¥
Orbis Investment Management Ltd.
4.867 %
61,280,262 4.867 % 768 M ¥
4.821 %
60,708,389 4.821 % 761 M ¥
Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd.
4.297 %
54,102,500 4.297 % 678 M ¥
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
4.245 %
53,446,600 4.245 % 670 M ¥
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd.
2.224 %
28,003,100 2.224 % 351 M ¥
Mitsubishi Corp.
1.161 %
14,623,200 1.161 % 183 M ¥
Morant Wright Management Ltd.
0.4799 %
6,043,200 0.4799 % 76 M ¥
Sawakami Asset Management, Inc.
0.3971 %
5,000,000 0.3971 % 63 M ¥
Marubeni Corp.
0.3689 %
4,644,600 0.3689 % 58 M ¥
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RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.001373 %
17,283 0.001373 % 216 694 ¥
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.000278 %
3,502 0.000278 % 43 908 ¥
Ramirez Asset Management, Inc.
0.000118 %
1,482 0.000118 % 18 581 ¥
NISA Investment Advisors LLC
0.00004 %
500 0.00004 % 6 269 ¥
Private Ocean LLC
0.000012 %
150 0.000012 % 1 881 ¥
Government of Japan
100 %
1 100 % 13 ¥

Breakdown by shareholder type

INPEX Corp.4.82%
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.4.24%
Mitsubishi Corp.1.16%
Marubeni Corp.0.37%
Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc.0.1%
Sompo Holdings, Inc.0.06%
JGC Holdings Corp.0.05%
Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.0.04%
Keiyo Gas Co., Ltd.0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Japan 41.03%
Bermuda 4.87%
United Kingdom 0.56%
Hong Kong 0.42%
Denmark 0.2%
Sweden 0.16%
United States 0.15%
Norway 0.09%
Ireland 0.08%
France 0.07%
Austria 0.05%
Finland 0.03%
Switzerland 0.03%
South Africa 0.02%
Luxembourg 0.02%
Germany 0.02%
Canada 0.01%
Australia 0.01%
Italy 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Inpex Corporation
Inpex Corporation is one of the Japanese largest oil groups. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - production et distribution of oil (76.4%): 120.1 million barrels sold in 2021; - production et distribution of natural gas (22%): 13.2 billion m3 sold; - liquefied petroleum gas production (0.3%); - other (1.3%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Japan (10.5%), Asia and Oceania (28.5%), Middle East and Africa (49.7%), Europe and CIS (9.4%) and Americas (1.9%).
More about the company