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Integrated Waste Solutions Group Holdings Limited


(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability, stock code: 923)



This announcement is made by Integrated Waste Solutions Group Holdings Limited (the "Company") pursuant to Rule 13.51(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules").
To make best use of diverse talents and to anticipate the efficiency saving plans of the Company, the Board of Directors (the "Board") is pleased to announce the re-designation of Mr. TO Chun Wai, Clarence ("Mr. TO") from Chief Strategic Officer ("CSO") to Chief Operating Officer ("COO") of the Company, and the re- designation of Mr. LAU Sai Cheong ("Mr. LAU") from COO to Chief Technical Officer ("CTO") with effect from 7 Januar y 2015. The post of CSO of the Company will be deleted with its de facto functions subsumed under Mr. TO, the new COO. Mr. TO and Mr. LAU will remain as executive directors and members of the executive committee of the Company.
Biographical details of Mr. TO and Mr. LAU Mr. TO
Mr. TO, aged 58, is an executive Director of the Company. He joined the
Company in April 2013. He spent most of his career, beginning in 1974, with the Hong Kong Police, rising up the ranks to Assistant Commissioner of Police (Crime) overseeing crime operations and policies of the Hong Kong Police, until his retirement in 2011. He was awarded the Police Meritorious Ser vice

* for identification purpose only


Medal in recognition of his long years of ser vice and contribution to the Hong Kong Society. From 2011 to 2012, he ser ved as a par t-time tutor in public administration at The University of Hong Kong. Mr. TO has wide administrative and management experience and holds a master degree of public administration from The University of Hong Kong.
Save as disclosed above, Mr. TO has not held other directorships in the last three years in public companies the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas.
Pursuant to the ser vice agreement entered into between Mr. TO and the Company and the subsequent review by the Board, Mr. TO is entitled to receive an annual director's fee of HK$360,000 and an annual salar y of HK$2,080,000, which is determined by the Board by reference to his time commitment and responsibilities as well as the prevailing market conditions. His current term of office is three years commencing on 8 April 2013. He is subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meeting of the Company in accordance with the Ar ticles of Association.
Mr. TO has 6,103,604 outstanding share options of the Company to subscribe for 6,103,604 Shares granted to him under the Share Option Scheme of the Company. As far as the Directors of the Company (the "Directors") are aware and save as disclosed above, Mr. TO was not interested or deemed to be interested in any shares or underlying shares of the Company or its associated corporations pursuant to Par t XV of the SFO.
Mr. TO does not have any relationships with other Directors, senior management, substantial Shareholders or controlling Shareholders.
As far as the Directors are aware and save as disclosed above, there is no information of Mr. TO to be disclosed pursuant to any of the requirements under Rules 13.51(2)(h) to 13.51(2)(v) of the Listing Rules; and there are no other matters concerning Mr. TO that need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders and the Company in connection with his re-designation.
Mr. LAU, aged 58, is an executive Director of the Company. He joined the Company in July 2012. He has over 30 years of experience in a wide variety of private and government projects in Hong Kong, China and around Asia. From September 1981 to May 1992, Mr. LAU worked in three engineering consulting firms and two contractors responsible for the design and project management of various types of local and overseas projects. From June 1992 to August 1993, Mr. LAU worked in A. S. Watson & Company, Limited handling their joint venture projects in China and factor y production management in Hong Kong. Prior to
joining the Company, Mr. LAU ser ved in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government from September 1993 to June 2012. Mr. LAU holds a bachelor of science honors degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Aston University, United Kingdom. Mr. LAU is a Char tered Engineer and a member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.


Save as disclosed above, Mr. LAU has not held other directorships in the last three years in public companies the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas.
Pursuant to the ser vice agreement entered into between Mr. LAU and the Company and the subsequent review by the Board, Mr. LAU is entitled to receive an annual director's fee of HK$360,000 and an annual salar y of HK$2,067,000, which is determined by the Board by reference to his time commitment and responsibilities as well as the prevailing market conditions. His current term of office is three years commencing on 16 October 2012. He is subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meeting of the Company in accordance with the Ar ticles of Association.
Mr. LAU has 6,591,892 outstanding share options of the Company to subscribe for 6,591,892 Shares granted to him under the Share Option Scheme of the Company. As far as the Directors are aware and save as disclosed above, Mr. LAU was not interested or deemed to be interested in any shares or underlying shares of the Company or its associated corporations pursuant to Par t XV of the SFO.
M r. LAU does not have any relationships with other Director s, senior management, substantial Shareholders or controlling Shareholders.
As far as the Directors are aware and save as disclosed above, there is no information of Mr. LAU to be disclosed pursuant to any of the requirements under Rules 13.51(2)(h) to 13.51(2)(v) of the Listing Rules; and there are no other matters concerning Mr. LAU that need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders and the Company in connection with his re-designation.
The Board would like to take this oppor tunity to express its gratitude to Mr. LAU for his contributions during his tenure as COO since July 2013, and to welcome Mr. TO for his new appointment in the Company.
By Order of the Board
Integrated Waste Solutions Group Holdings Limited
CHENG Chi Ming, Brian


Hong Kong, 7 Januar y 2015

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises four executive directors, namely, Messrs. SUEN Wing Yip, TO Chun Wai, Clarence, LAU Sai Cheong, and TAM Sui Kin, Chris; two non-executive directors, namely, Messrs. CHENG Chi Ming, Brian (Chairman) and TSANG On Yip, Patrick; and three independent non- executive directors, namely, Messrs. Nguyen Van Tu, Peter, CHOW Shiu Wing, Joseph, and WONG Man Chung, Francis.


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