Intellect Design Arena Limited announced the launch of Intellect Wealth Qube - 2020, end-to-end Relationship Manager centric solution for the wealth management institutions. Built on a design framework of 6 Offices, 22 Desks and 121 Tools. Wealth Qube 2020, is an enterprise grade wealth management solution has taken the RM-first design approach. Intellect recognizes that in a highly emotive business such as wealth, relationship managers are integral to the growth of the business and the industry. The word Qube was chosen to reflect the solidity and completeness of a cube. Each side of the cube represents 1 of the 6 offices of the Wealth Qube 2020 offering. The six offices that form part of Wealth Qube 2020 are Relationship manager office; Customer personal office; Operations office; Risk and compliance office; Fund managers office and Trust Office.