Intellect Design Arena Limited announced the launch of CBX FX, which provides a contextual FX trading experience to the bank's corporate customers enriched with a powerful tool to manage hedging strategies. CBX FX provides two distinct components - FX Trading and FX Corporate. These components can be offered by a bank, jointly or separately, to its large corporate and SME customers. It allows the end customer to be self-reliant and meet its FX requirements efficiently. CBX FX Trading is an FX trading platform with streaming rates from multiple liquidity providers which enables straight through processing from the bank's customer's device to its treasury back office. Complete trading requirements are met through a "Single Screen, Single Click'' (SCSS) powered by an HTML5 based technology architecture. The comprehensive trading needs for the bank's customers are met on a single screen allowing them to view, transact and organize their workspace with a single click. CBX FX Corporate is meant for clients with hedging needs. The platform helps to create a personalized data repository of FX hedging strategies, by bringing together both FX exposures and hedged deals.