Business description: Intellego Technologies AB

Intellego Technologies AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in photochromatic indicator technology. The Company is a manufacturer of colorimetric ultraviolet indicators. UVC Dosimeters are used in Healthcare, Hospitality, Retail, Transportation and Commercial Applications around the world. With its patented photochromic ink that changes color based on exposure to ultraviolet irradiation or specific substances, Intellego produces dosimeters in a variety of formats and custom options to meet the constantly evolving needs of Ultraviolet Device Manufacturers (OEMs) and end-users. Intellego Technologies is headquartered in Stockholm, with product development and manufacturing based in the southwest region of Sweden.

Number of employees: 64

Sales by Activity: Intellego Technologies AB

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Electronic Components & Parts

758K 7.69M 9.51M 59.22M 189M
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Intellego Technologies AB

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

European Union

- - - 9.34M 93.25M

North America

- - - - 46.62M


- - - - 27.97M

The Rest of The World

- - - - 18.65M

outside of EU

- - - 48.43M -


758K 7.69M 9.51M 6.55K -
See all geographic segments

Managers: Intellego Technologies AB

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 41 2011-08-30
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - 2021-08-12
Chief Operating Officer - 2023-02-28
Sales & Marketing - 2020-12-31
Sales & Marketing - 2021-01-31

Members of the board: Intellego Technologies AB

Manager TitleAgeSince
Chairman 78 2017-12-31
Chairman 68 -
Director/Board Member 58 2023-07-31
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Intellego Technologies AB

Advisory Invest GmbH
1.433 %
424,995 1.433 % 1 M kr
Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management)
0.3763 %
111,612 0.3763 % 392 583 kr
March Asset Management SGIIC SAU
0.0862 %
25,566 0.0862 % 89 926 kr

Company details: Intellego Technologies AB

Intellego Technologies AB

Kungsgatan 60

111 22, Stockholm

+46 7 35 34 46 34
address Intellego Technologies AB(INT)

Other Biotechnology & Medical Research

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
+1.28%+2.20%+151.59%+181.79% 105M
-0.43%-1.39%+28.71%-1.26% 47.89B
-1.33%-7.06%-19.89%-15.40% 34.06B
-0.45%-1.71%-0.38%+22.57% 26.65B
+0.04%+6.58%+72.73%+81.40% 16.54B
+1.95%-3.75%-35.82%-23.17% 15.37B
+6.79%+29.70% - - 14.08B
+3.35%+1.20%-63.80%-78.17% 12.7B
-1.12%-9.44%-7.47%-36.10% 10.42B
-0.65%-3.93%-13.74%+144.96% 10.36B
Average +0.94%+1.32%+12.44%+30.74% 18.82B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.39%+0.07%+1.87%+6.66%
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