Investcorp Technology Partners IV L.P. fund managed by Investcorp Holdings B.S.C. (BAX:INVCORP) entered into an agreement to acquire unknown majority stake in Avira Holding GmbH & Co. KG. for $180 million on April 9, 2020. As part of the transaction, Tjark Auerbach will retained a significant stake in Avira Holding GmbH & Co. KG. The transaction is subject to anti-trust approval. Michael Metzger, Ralf Philipp Hofmann and Kais Baker of Drake Star Partners acted as financial advisors to Avira and its shareholders and Otto Haberstock and Gerald Herrmann of P+P Pöllath + Partners acted as legal advisor to Avira Holding GmbH & Co. KG. Michael Cziesla, Norman Wasse, Kian Tauser, Marcus Fischer, Maximilian Clostermeyer, Alexa Ningelgen, Christoph Coenen, Christian Rolf, Gudrun Germakowski, Christian Masch, Daniel von Brevern and Meir Lewittes, of McDermott acted as the financial advisors to Investcorp Technology Partners. Investcorp Technology Partners IV L.P. fund managed by Investcorp Holdings B.S.C. (BAX:INVCORP) completed the acquisition of an unknown majority stake in Avira Holding GmbH & Co. KG. on April 15, 2020.