Investor CEO: Looking for investments in portfolio - but open to new acquisitions - Afv
By that he means that the company has built its own cash flow from Patricia Industries.
"So now we have listed companies that pay dividends, we have Patricia and we have EQT, all of which provide a structural cash flow surplus," says Cederholm.
Going forward, Investor is looking for investments in the existing portfolio, while one option is to buy new companies. This with a cash position that exceeded SEK 25 billion in Q3.
"First of all, we will support the existing companies. That is always the most important thing. The day we start focusing more on something new, we are really in trouble. We will support the companies we have, both organically, but also with add-on acquisitions. Then we will continue to pay a steadily increasing dividend from Investor of course, but we are also looking at platform acquisitions, new logos so to speak," Cederholm tells Afv.
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