Investor's CEO and two other executives increase their shareholdings (update)
The CEO of the investment company Investor, Christian Cederholm, has on December 19 bought 2 500 A-shares in the company. The shares were purchased at a price of SEK 292 per share, a deal of SEK 730,000. The transaction was made on Nasdaq Stockholm. This is stated in Finansinspektionen's transparency register.
During the day, Thomas Kidane also bought 1,200 class A shares in Investor, where he is one of two managers of Patricia Industries. The shares were bought at a price of SEK 291.90 per share, a deal of SEK 350,300.
Jacob Lund has also today bought 500 A-shares in Investor where he is Head of Communications and Sustainability. The shares were bought at a price of SEK 290.90 per share, a deal of SEK 145,450.
Cederholm had an ownership of 207,500 shares, Kidane owned 24,894 shares and Lund 9,500 shares, according to Investor's website.
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