IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A., EURONEXT) announced that Soumya Chandramouli will be stepping down from her role as Chief Financial Officer, effective 31 January 2025. Henri de Romrée, Deputy CEO, will oversee the financial direction at Group level until a new CFO has been appointed. Thomas Pevenage, Finance Director, will continue to lead the Group?s Investor Relations function until further notice.

Soumya Chandramouli departs IBA after 21 years, having held the position of CFO since 2016. During her tenure Soumya has played an important role in the continued success of the business. Working closely with Olivier Legrain, Henri de Romree and the Board and senior leadership team, Soumya?s input has helped shape the strategic direction of IBA.

Following this lengthy term of service, and in mutual agreement with the CEO, Soumya has decided that it is the right time to seek new professional challenges outside IBA. Henri de Romrée joined the business as Chief Strategy Officer in November 2023. He was appointed Deputy CEO in March 2024, focused on developing growth opportunities in the Other Accelerators business.

His extensive experience will ensure an efficient transition for the business until a successor is found.